WE ARE NOW NATIONAL! Join the ‘Yethu community now and get more customers today!

Let our trusted taxi driver, deliver to your customer…ko kasi!

We didn’t reinvent the wheel, only how to get your goods within the last mile in partnership with the communities you’re looking to reach.

Sign Up Now

How it Works.

Drivers sign up

All they need is an android phone and to be onboarded and verified

Download App

Go to the play store and
download the Yethu app now!

Start delivering

Make more money by delivering goods to our communities

Our community deserves convenience. They want their favourite shops and brands to delivered to their door

They want to shop online, but no-one is deivering to townships. They live far from the malls! They catch a taxi and it’s 1 hour there, 1 hour back. Its too long and can get costly. Imagine a world where they could have these essentials delivered to their home for less than the taxi fare

Sign Up to ‘Yethu

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